Cammino delle Sorelle: Walking Trail from Bergamo to Brescia

The Cammino delle Sorelle is a 130 km trail that connects Bergamo and Brescia, traversing 34 municipalities. Designed as a week-long journey, this path reveals lesser-known sites and aims to promote existing historical routes with a focus on nature and culture, minimizing the use of asphalt roads. The trail, divided into six stages, can be adapted to fit the time and fitness level of each walker.

The Steps of Cammino delle Sorelle:

1. Bergamo to Nembro
2. Nembro to Bagnatica
3. Bagnatica to Sarnico
4. Paratico to Provaglio d’Iseo
5. Provaglio d’Iseo to Gussago
6. Gussago to Brescia

1. Bergamo to Nembro

Route: Bergamo, Ponteranica, Alzano Lombardo, Nembro
Distance: 21.4 km
Difficulty: Challenging
Elevation Gain: 1215 m

Starting in Bergamo, this stage offers a unique view of Città Alta and takes you through historical and natural landmarks.


  • Bergamo: Begin your journey in the historic Città Alta, with its UNESCO World Heritage walls, ancient streets, and beautiful churches.
  • Parco Regionale dei Colli di Bergamo: Enter this regional park, enjoying the lush greenery and varied landscapes.
  • Olera: Discover this medieval village in the Bassa Val Seriana.
  • Santuario dello Zuccarello: Visit this sanctuary and continue along ancient paths like the Via Mercatorum.
  • Nembro: End this challenging stage in the vibrant town of Nembro.

Note: For those who choose the Via Traversa, this stage starts in Scanzorosciate, proceeds north through Villa di Serio, and follows the Serio River to reconnect with the main route in Nembro.

2. Nembro to Bagnatica

Route: Nembro, Villa di Serio, Scanzorosciate, Albano Sant’Alessandro, Brusaporto, Bagnatica
Distance: 17.4 km
Difficulty: Easy
Elevation Gain: 617 m

This stage takes you through the land of Moscato di Scanzo, offering a mix of vineyards and cultural sites.

Credit: Orobie.it


  • Nembro: Starting in Nembro, proceed through Villa di Serio.
  • Scanzorosciate: Discover the home of the famous Moscato di Scanzo, along with scenic vineyards and historical sites like the Eremo di Argon and the Chiesetta di San Cristoforo.
  • Albano Sant’Alessandro and Brusaporto: Enjoy the quaint charm of these towns before reaching Bagnatica.

Note: The Via Traversa follows a similar path but includes a detour to explore Scanzorosciate more thoroughly before rejoining the main route.

3. Bagnatica to Sarnico

Route: Bagnatica, Costa di Mezzate, Montello, San Paolo D’Argon, Carobbio degli Angeli, Gorlago, Gandosso, Castelli Calepio, Credaro, Villongo, Sarnico
Distance: 21.7 km
Difficulty: Medium
Elevation Gain: 810 m

This stage crosses from the province of Bergamo into Brescia along the banks of the Oglio River, offering a mix of natural beauty and historical sites.

Credit: Idealista


  • Bagnatica: Start this stage in Bagnatica, passing through Costa di Mezzate and Montello.
  • San Paolo D’Argon and Carobbio degli Angeli: Explore these towns rich in history and culture.
  • Gorlago and Gandosso: Traverse scenic landscapes and climb the Monte Croce and Monte Castello.
  • Sarnico: Conclude this stage in Sarnico, on the shores of Lake Iseo.

4. Paratico to Provaglio d’Iseo

Route: Paratico, Capriolo, Adro, Corte Franca, Riserva delle Torbiere del Sebino, Monastero di San Pietro in Lamosa, Provaglio d’Iseo
Distance: 20 km
Difficulty: Easy
Elevation Gain: Minimal

Known as the “water stage,” this is the easiest segment, following waterways and ending at Provaglio d’Iseo.


  • Paratico: Starting at Lake Iseo, follow the Sentiero Verde dell’Oglio along the Oglio River.
  • Capriolo, Adro, and Corte Franca: Pass through these charming villages and vineyards.
  • Riserva delle Torbiere del Sebino: Enter this protected natural reserve, teeming with wildlife.
  • Monastero di San Pietro in Lamosa: Visit this historical monastery before concluding at Provaglio d’Iseo.

5. Provaglio d’Iseo to Gussago

Route: Provaglio d’Iseo, Monte Cognolo, Monticelli Brusati, Sentiero delle Cascate, Ome, Rodengo Saiano, Gussago
Distance: 23 km
Difficulty: Challenging
Elevation Gain: 659 m

This stage is more demanding, taking you through historical sites and natural wonders.


  • Provaglio d’Iseo: Begin your journey descending from the Madonna del Corno.
  • Monte Cognolo: Ascend to the highest point of the Cammino delle Sorelle for breathtaking views.
  • Monticelli Brusati and Sentiero delle Cascate: Enjoy the scenic waterfall trail.
  • Ome and Borgo del Maglio: Explore these towns, known for traditional ironworks.
  • Rodengo Saiano: Visit the historic Abbazia Olivetana before reaching Gussago.

Note: A lower variant of this route covers 18 km, ideal for those preferring a less strenuous path, bypassing Monte Cognolo.

6. Gussago to Brescia

Route: Gussago, Santuario Madonna della Stella, Parco delle Colline di Brescia, Collebeato, Villaggio Prealpino, Valle di Mompiano, Monte Maddalena, Brescia
Distance: 20 km
Difficulty: Medium
Elevation Gain: Varied

The final stage takes you from Gussago back to the historic city of Brescia.

Credit: italia.it


  • Gussago: Start your final journey towards Santuario Madonna della Stella via Sentiero 3V.
  • Parco delle Colline di Brescia and Collebeato: Traverse through these serene landscapes.
  • Villaggio Prealpino and Valle di Mompiano: Visit the Chiesa di Santa Giulia, marking the end of the Cammino di Santa Giulia.
  • Monte Maddalena: Climb this scenic mountain for panoramic views.
  • Brescia: Conclude your journey by visiting key cultural landmarks such as the Capitolium, Museo di Santa Giulia, and the Castello di Brescia.

Note: A lower variant avoids the climb up Monte Maddalena and the steep descent into Mompiano.

The Cammino delle Sorelle offers a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage, making it a perfect week-long exploration of Lombardy’s hidden treasures.